CeC Luncheon October 29: Smart Strategies for a Down Economy

10 Oct

The Catalog and E-Commerce Club of Northern California invites you to attend its annual luncheon on Wednesday 10/29 from 12pm to 2pm at the Argonaut Hotel.

Wednesday 10/29, 12pm-2pm
Registration 11:30am

Argonaut Hotel
495 Jefferson Street
San Francisco, CA 94109

Business is tough. We all know it. Gas prices, the housing crisis,depressed consumer spending are all impacting our sales projections. But amidst travel freezes, extra “holidays” and elimination of company perks, marketers are finding creative ways to drive business and make the best of this economic situation.

Ellen Sato, Mark Swedlund, Paul Liston and Renee Thomas Jacobs will be sharing their experiences with you during the CeC luncheon.

Ellen Sato – VP of Analytic Services,Haggin Marketing
For 20+ years, Ellen has provided analytic and database services to companies engaged in multichannel and database marketing. Through analysis of customer marketing data, she provides companies with the ability to improve marketing results, enhance strategic insights, and realize cost savings.

Mark Swedlund – Sr. Vice President and Partner, Haggin Marketing
Mark is a seasoned direct response marketing executive with deep management and strategic experience. With more than 25 years in the direct marketing industry, he has held executive positions in both service and operating sides of the business. The last four years he co-authored The Multi Channel Marketing Report with the DMA.

Paul Liston – Manager, Williams-Sonoma Direct Marketing
Since 2003, Paul has focused on driving the multi-channel profitability of catalog marketing for Pottery Barn Kids, Pottery Barn and more recently, Williams-Sonoma. Through in-depth circulation & test analyses, as well as strong cross-functional partnerships, he has led his team in developing new circulation strategies, such as
versioning and contact strategy.

Renee Thomas Jacobs – CFO, Title Nine
Renee has played a significant role in shepherding Title Nine from a tightly circulated niche cataloger to a broader-based multi-channel retailer—leveraging a strong brand to build sales and a loyal customer base. Over the years she’s seen much growth and change through a variety of economic conditions.

The Argonaut Hotel is located on Jefferson St. near Hyde St., on the waterfront at Fisherman’s Wharf, adjacent to the Cannery, and walking distance to Aquatic Park and Ghiradelli Square.

Valet parking available at the Argonaut.
Additional parking at:
Ghirardelli Square Garage (900 Beach Street)
Anchorage Garage (500 Beach Street)
Cash-Only Garage (Beach/Columbus)

$45 CeC members
$70 Non-members
Includes full sit down lunch and presentation


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